Factions changelog as of 2024-12-12
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&d- /f chunk: &7spawner value breakdown is now shown &8(previously value breakdown by entity type was not shown) &d- /f potential: &7added command to list your faction's current spawner value and max potential spawner value &d- /f setwarp: &7passwords can now be set to warps using /f setwarp <name> [password] - &cremember: commands are logged and exportable on-demand (do not use your actual account passwords!) &d- /f title: &7added back ability to assign titles to faction members &8(your titles will not appear to other factions in /f info) &d- /f top playtime: &7added command to list your factions members by most playtime &d- /f top spawnercontrib: &7added command to list your factions members by most spawner value contribution &d- /jackpot: &7raised the ticket cap - maximum purchasable tickets now scale by planet age &8(previously 1,000) &d- /perks: &7added command to list your unlocked (and locked) rank perks &d- /suicide: &7brought back ability to commit suicide &8(useful when in hostage situations) &d- /waypoint: &7players can now set multiple waypoints but have only 1 active at a time &8(previously only 1 waypoint was allowed) &d- Bug fix: &7cannoning inconsistencies occurred based on location of cannon and redstone wiring &d- Bug fix: &7redstone ticks were miscalculated in various situations &d- Faction: &7/f top is now based off spawner value alone &d- Faction: &7base claims will combat-tag players for 30s instead of 15s &d- Faction: &7claims >35 chunks away from core will automatically be considered a raid claim &8(previously all claims connected to core were considered base claim) &d- Faction: &7raid claim appear dark-green in /f map &8(previously green colored) &d- Faction: &7raid claims expire after 8 hours &8(previously 24 hours) &d- Faction: &7spawner value accrues over a 14 day period &8(previously value applied instantly) &d- Faction: &7spawner value accrues after grace period only &d- Grace: &7gen buckets and chunk busters will be disabled once grace is concluded - &ewe will monitor this change and will provide an update in the future &d- Loot Pool: &7decreased rarity of heroic upgrades &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly increased rarity of (heroic) black scrolls &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly increased rarity of heroic armor sets &d- Loot Pool: &7limited sources of stellar stones and pebbles while locked on /milestone - &eyou will still receive stones from Lootboxes and CC’s that have them &d- Loot Pool: &7removed explosive snowballs from various cosmic crates &d- Loot Pool: &7increased rarity of certain custom blocks &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly increased rarity of phoenix feathers &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly increased rarity of heroic pets &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly decreased rarity of pet eggs &d- Loot Pool: &7resolved some cosmic crates not giving items &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly scaled down end envoys &d- Loot Pool: &7added higher variety of items to end envoys &d- Loot Pool: &7slightly nerfed timeless dragon loot &d- Milestone: &7starting enchant limit increased to 7 &d- Milestone: &7/end milestone unlocked on day 3 &d- Milestone: &7ruins unlocked on day 14 &d- Milestone: &7heroic envoys unlocked on day 21 &d- Obsidian: &7Hand-placed obsidian requires a 5m period before becoming 4/4 durable &8(previously, obsidian instantly gained 4/4 durability on placement) &d- Redstone: &7introduced basic redstone comparator behaviour &d- Soul Gems: &7moving gems outside hotbar will not disable soul mode &8(previously soul mode would disable if gem was moved) &d- Spawner: &7max block stack size has been increased to 40 &8(previously 10) &d- Spawner: &7to make it easier to pickup dropped spawners, stack of spawners are dropped upon being broken &8(previously each spawner would drop individually instead as a stack)