Factions changelog as of 2025-01-30
Changelog of the Week
&e&lNEW COSMIC CRATE INBOUND!&r &7The Shard Merchant has yet another offer this week! Test your luck with the new &e&lCOSMIC CRATE: &bFEBRUARY 2025&r&7 now available! &d- Bug fix: &7Block outline would not be displayed when using creeper eggs and potatoes in other's claims &d- Bug fix: &7Envoys could not be broken &d- Combat: &7A sound is played when a holy white scroll negator (or the likes) procs &d- Duels: &7Players can now spectate ongoing duels using /duel spectate &d- Faction: &7All successful custom item interactions against blocks are now logged &8(incl. creeper egg and chunk busters) &d- Space Chest: &7Reworked animation to complete faster