Factions changelog as of 2020-09-24
Bug Fixes & Info - Please Read.
§r§cGrace Period, Bosses, and KOTH will all be disabled or re-enabled on the §l26th Sept , 2PM EST. §r Made some changes to liquids in hope to reduce lag. [TESTING PHASE] Made some changes to entities in hope to reduce lag. [TESTING PHASE] Fixed an issue at Hero Outpost where the Safezone region was incorrect. /f assist can no longer be used in combat. You can now use /echest properly. /bah bidding increments were fixed. Removed "Taxes Paid" from /cf stats as it displayed the incorrect info and cannot be tracked accurately. Removed "Potion" phase from Yijki Boss as Health Potions were healing it instead of damaging. Fixed an issue when applying Holy White Scrolls and the item's corruption, Fixed an issue with some ranks having no /heal cooldown. §r§cGrace Period, Bosses, and KOTH will all be disabled or re-enabled on the §l26th Sept , 2PM EST.