Factions changelog as of 2024-02-01
Greetings Cosmonauts, this is the changelog for the upcoming season. Below is a summarised list of all the new features and changes that you can expect to see next season.
◈ Added /currency - all your currencies in one place ◈ Added /pv search <...phrase> - search for items across all vaults - Items are searched case-insensitively for the occurrence of all specified phrases - Use double quotations ("") to match multiple consecutive words - /pv search death god - searches for items containing both 'death' and 'god' phrases - This will match an item containing 'Death God' in their name/lore - This will also match an item containing 'Death Coffin' and 'Godly Overload' (in no specific order) in their name/lore - /pv search "death god" - searches for items consecutively containing the words 'fallen hero' - This will only match items containing 'Death God' in their name/lore ◈ Added compass bar (can be toggled through Cosmic /settings) ◈ Added player logs for /sethome and /deletehome - This makes past homes and deleted homes more accessible, especially in situations when homes on enemy territories are auto-deleted ◈ Faction default capacity has been lowered from 20 to 15 players (upgradable to 25 through /f upgrades) ◈ Fallen Heroes now de-spawn after 1m 30s of inactivity and are available in player's /collect ◈ Item Mod custom textures have been disabled until further notice (while we work on tweaking the first-person swinging animation) ◈ Items dropped in void in /end will now always land on the closest surface instead of being consumed by void ◈ Loot Tables: Chance of obtaining Cosmo-Slot Bot Ticket from various loot tables were reduced ◈ Strongholds under attack will periodically warn the previous capturer of the progress regardless of whether they are near the stronghold - Use '/notif stronghold' to hide this message ◈ Fixed bug: Detonate enchantment sometimes breaks blocks in the wrong direction ◈ Fixed bug: KOTH rainbow armor rubber-bands when attempting to unequip ◈ Fixed bug: Jackpot double-counting winnings